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Fancy rat diet -

19-12-2016 à 14:16:26
Fancy rat diet
When feeding your rat give only what can be consumed within a 24 hour period, in that way you can be sure of maintaining freshness and be aware of how much your rat eats. As they grind their food up before swallowing, they can safely be given chicken-bones. Lab blocks are considered to be one of the most nutritious sources of staple or base diet to feed your rat, along with veggies, fruits, some nuts, and a few choice table scraps. It is difficult to determine if a home made diet is supplying all of the nutrients (particularly vitamins and minerals). Nearly all will eat insects, slugs and etc. Carrots, sweetcorn, avocado and peas are particularly popular. Rats do like to hide their stash so you might want to investigate their favorite hang outs to make sure they are eating the amount you are placing in their dishes. As part-time predators, many rats will kill and eat smaller animals such as mice. , however, can upset the digestion: and they strongly dislike fruit which is unripe or naturally sharp. There are also rat diets that you can make yourself. Do not top off dishes if it appears that there is a small amount of food left as it may be only seed shells. The extent to which this is true of pet rats varies. Some take days or weeks to get used to a new food. Most rats like few things better than a dish full of long, tangly spaghetti, complete with a meat and tomato sauce. Nutrition is the basis for maintaining good health in your rat, and a good base diet that contains essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, along with a variety of fruits, nuts, and vegetables will do just that. Some dive face-first into anything you offer them. if they can get at them. These types of diets all too often have the rat picking out only the pieces that they prefer to eat, leaving food not eaten as well as an under nourished rat.

Unlike rabbits and guinea-pigs, rats make their own vitamin C and can live without fruit and vegetables, but they enjoy small amounts provided the fruit is ripe. Like mice, rats also love dairy products: cheese, milk and butter. Again as with any of the prepackaged mix diets, or lab blocks, when making up the diet yourself be sure to offer fresh fruits and veggies at the very least three times a week. With these types of diets it is important to check the dishes to be sure that your rats are actually eating all of what is placed in the dish and not just picking out the foods that they like best. They are also very partial to eggs, whether cooked or raw, and will happily wade up to the armpits in egg-yolk. Norway rats love a bit of meat (fish fingers are a particular favourite), but a diet which is very high in protein can cause itching skin, excessive urination, and possible kidney damage. Packaged mixed grain diets that can be purchased at your local Pet Store are generally not recommended since they often contain too high a corn or seed content, and can be nutritionally incomplete. Supplementing the staple diet with healthy foods will be enjoyable and healthy for them. This is because they cannot vomit, so if they eat something poisonous or irritating they have no quick way to get rid of it. Rats are omnivorous requiring both plant and animal food sources in their diets (much like humans), and specially formulated diets help to meet those nutritional requirements. Meat, nuts and high-protein dog biscuits should therefore be given only in small amounts. But be warned that if you let your rats out while you are eating they are likely to sit on your chest and help themselves from the fork as it goes past, or swipe food from your plate - or even park themselves in the middle of your plate and expect you to eat round them. Therefore, when presented with a new food they only try a tiny bit, then wait for a few hours to see if they still feel OK before having any more. Too much fruit and veg. They tend to be less enthusiastic about potato, though they will usually accept a chip (notice to American readers - I mean what you call French Fries - the things Americans call chips and the British call crisps would usually be too salty for them). For this reason it is safer to add some lab block to the home made diet. Starchy foods such as rice and pasta are great favourites.

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